Three nations festival

was held within the activities of Interreg IPA-CBC "EArPieCe", Italy, Albania and Montenegro, which was conducted in partnership with the conservatory "Tito Schipa" from Lecce, with the conservatory "Lorenzo Perosi" from Campobas, DHITECH- High-Tech Technological District from Lecce, Akademia Muzika from Tirana and the Association of Young Artists of Montenegro. 
The main event organized as part of the THREE NATIONS FESTIVAL is also included in the FESTA della MUSICA 2022, promoted by MIBACT and realized in cooperation with the municipality of Lecce, in the magazine Lecce in Scena.

Of particular importance was the evening program which included, among others, pieces by Ernest Abate. One of the central points of the research related to INTERREG was the procurement and study of the prestigious ABBATE FUND, currently owned by the Conservatory "Tito Schipa" from Lecce. It was of great importance to include in the program the composition "Intro for the concert in Titex" by the Montenegrin composer Milivoj Pićurić, as well as the piece "Jos ne svice" by Vasilije Nikolić and a number of popular songs from the Albanian tradition.

The conductor of the performance was maestro Giovanni Pellegrini.


Logistics and organization of Project conference and Chamber ensemble outdoor music event
Our ref: EARPIECE/SER/3 

We are pleased to invite all interested companies to take part in the single tender procedure for the above mentioned contract.
Here you can find complete tender dossier, which includes:

1. Part A Information for the tenderer with Annex I – Terms of reference
2. Part B Format offer to be provided by the tenderers with annexes:
– Declaration of Honour
– Financial identification form
– Legal entity file
3. Part C Format contract

For full details of the tendering procedures and if editable templates are needed, please see the practical guide and its annexes, which may be downloaded from the following website:

We look forward to receiving your tender, which has to be submitted no later than the deadline and according to the requirements set out in the Instructions to tenderers.

We are pleased to invite you to participate in tender procedure for services of study of classical and popular music in Montenegro , ref. no. EARPIECE/SER/2 for the project EARPIECE,  implemented by Association of Young Artists of Montenegro through INTERREG IPA CBC Italy – Albania – Montenegro programme.
Attached please find Invitation to tender and tender dossier with all relevant information. We are looking forward to receiving your offer.

The deadline for submission of tenders is 21/04/2022 at 10:00 hours. Any tender received after this deadline will be automatically rejected.

Dekodiranje i analiza popularne muzike

Projekt EArPieC će se fokusirati na analizu repertoara popularne muzike u Italiji, Albaniji i Crnoj Gori, od razdoblja baroka do danas, kako bi se otkrile moguće sličnosti , što će biti temelj za buduću muzičku produkciju, stavljajući kulture uključene teritorije u integrisani sistem. Štoviše, repertoari popularne muzike od velikog kulturnog, sociološkog i umjetničkog značaja, biće povezani u zajedničku muzičku mrežu , u cilju valorizacije teritorijalne posebnosti i zajedničkih tradicija.

Sa naprednom neurološkom tehnologijom otvorićemo nova polja u razumijevanju emocionalno-kognitivne percepcije muzike. Neurološka reakcija slušaoca na crnogorsku muzičku baštinu takođe će biti predmet istraživanja.
Posjeta predstavnika UMUCG-a Igora Pejovića i Adriana Perovića Dhitech Scarl institutu u Lećeu (Italija) u okviru IPA Interreg projekta – EARPIECE.”

partneri na projektu: